What is News?


News is current information about events in the world, obtained at every moment and everywhere. It is presented to the public by newspapers, magazines, radio and television. It can also be transferred by word of mouth, letters or emails.

A news article is an objective report of a subject which is important to the reader. It should contain facts and quotations from people involved in the story. It should not have personal opinions and should be written in clear sentences. The news article should be organised chronologically with the most important facts in the first paragraphs of the article. The purpose of the news article is to capture the reader’s attention and encourage them to read on.

News articles are a good way for companies to advertise their products and services. They can be used to promote sales, special offers or new products that they have. They can also be used to keep the public updated about company news and developments.

The classic definition of news is “dog bites man; news”. But in reality, people make the news, so much so that most news stories are automatically about people. People in the public eye are interesting, whether they have become famous or are living in relative obscurity, and their successes and failures are of interest. People who are doing things that break social rules are especially newsworthy, such as criminal activity, rebellions and riots.

People’s needs, desires and fears are also a source of news. For example, food and drink is always of interest, and so are stories about crops, food shortages and harvests. Health is another concern of most people, and stories about hospitals, clinics, traditional remedies, diseases and drug research all make news. Sex is a topic of interest to most societies, even though they may not talk about it openly. Stories about sex that go against social norms or are unusual make news.

All these elements make a good news story. The stronger the five criteria of a news story, the better it is. This is why it is often difficult to judge what makes news. A coup d’etat in the neighbouring country is big news, for example, but what about one in your own home town?