Types of News


There are two types of news, Hard and Soft news. In addition, there is Local and violence news. Let us take a look at some examples. Soft news is about events that have taken place within your community. Hard news focuses on events that are happening elsewhere, such as national tragedies. Both are important and should be reported on.

Soft news

Soft media is a broad category of media, including organizations dealing with lifestyle, arts, and entertainment. These types of media can take the form of print articles, magazines, and television programs.

Hard news

Hard news is the type of journalism in which the writer isn’t interested in a particular opinion or point of view. They are concerned with reporting the facts and making sure that their audience knows they’ve got all the facts. While the journalist can feel invested in an event, they should try to write with objectivity and make sure that their articles are free from any opinion or bias. In addition to avoiding personal opinions, they should also look for verbs and adjectives that overstate what really happened.


Locality in news is a growing field of research that explores factors that influence the content of local news. It examines factors such as culture, geography, and economics. When approaching a journalist with a story, be mindful of the journalist’s platform, rules of exclusivity, and other factors.


Sexual violence was prevalent in the news this past year, particularly reports on rape, child sexual abuse, and sexual assault. Cases such as the Jerry Sandusky scandal, which led to a public outcry and a large amount of coverage, helped increase awareness of the problems surrounding child sexual abuse. Despite these high-profile cases, other forms of sexual violence were not well-covered, including child sexual exploitation and sex trafficking.


Historically, timeliness was a priority for newsgathering and newspapers. Even before the Civil War, many newspapers relied on timely news to engage their audiences. In the nineteenth century, however, embargoes were in effect and newsrooms had to be more careful about the dates they published. As a result, stories were often not as timely as they were supposed to be. In addition, newspapers often resorted to “advance copy” and “release copy” to keep stories in their files until telegraphed. Similarly, newspapers habitually raised the date on their mail correspondence. They hoped this would give readers the impression that they had been writing about the story that day.


Familiarity with news is an important social practice that promotes civic engagement. Professors who integrate news into their classrooms help prepare young adults for lifelong learning in a democracy. According to Project Information Literacy (PIL) founder Alison Head, senior research scientist at Harvard University’s metaLAB, and Erica DeFrain, Assistant Professor at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, it is important for young people to engage with news and learn about current events.