How Casinos Make Their Money


A casino is a building or room in which gambling games are played. Casinos are most often associated with slot machines, roulette, baccarat, blackjack, craps and poker. While the modern casino is a complex entertainment center with restaurants, shows and shopping that attracts tourists, the majority of the billions of dollars in profits raked in by casinos every year are from gamblers. This article will look at how casinos make their money, the history of casino gambling and some of the more popular games played in them.

Gambling has long been an accepted form of recreation, from the Mesopotamian city of Nippur to the Roman Empire and Napoleon’s France. It is generally believed that people will always want to risk something of value in order to gain something of greater value, whether it be money or prestige. Casinos, which are built around games of chance, offer the opportunity for people to gamble without having to leave their homes or travel to far away cities.

The origins of the modern casino are obscure, but it is known that a large portion of American casino gambling began in Las Vegas, Nevada, in the 1950s. Because of state laws prohibiting gambling in other areas, Las Vegas had the opportunity to draw huge numbers of visitors with its promise of easy winnings. Legitimate businessmen were reluctant to invest in a venture with such a seamy image, but the mob had ample funds from drug dealing, extortion and other illegal activities that did not have the taint of “vice.” The mafia quickly dominated the casino industry in Nevada, and later spread throughout America.

Regardless of the amount of money gamblers lose at a casino, the house always makes a profit. This is because every game offered by a casino has a built in statistical advantage for the house. This advantage can be quite small, but it will add up over the millions of bets placed by patrons. This edge earns the casino enough to pay its employees and cover other expenses, such as dazzling architectural features like fountains, pyramids, towers and replicas of famous landmarks.

A casino’s profitability depends on the number of people it attracts to gamble, and to a lesser extent the number of players who place large bets. Casinos rely on customer service to do this, and many offer perks, called comps, to encourage people to spend more time and money gambling. Comps can include free hotel rooms, meals, tickets to shows, limo service and airline tickets.

Security is another major component of casino operations. Cameras and other technological devices monitor patrons as they gamble, looking for blatant cheating or suspicious betting patterns. In addition to these tools, casino employees have a close eye on the game, noticing anything out of the ordinary or unusual. The use of technology in a casino’s gambling operations continues to evolve as casinos seek ways to increase efficiency and minimize cheating. For example, casino table games now incorporate electronic systems to monitor the exact amounts bet minute by minute and to notice any abnormalities; and video cameras are used in roulette wheels to catch any tampering.